Join Jannou Through Your Immediate Family

If your immediate relative or legal next of kin is a Jannou Credit Union member, then you can join.

Husband or Wife Marriage Certificate
Common Law Partner Interview with both partners at the Credit Union
Parents (natural or adopted) Birth Certificate or Statutory Declaration (for adopted parents)
Child, Grandchildren Birth Certificate or Statutory Declaration (for adopted parents)
Sibling Birth Certificate or Statutory Declaration (for adopted parents) for each child
Aunt, Uncle, Niece, Nephew Birth Certificate or Statutory Declaration (for adopted parents) for each person
Beneficiary of Deceased Member Legal Will or Credit Union Document naming beneficiary

In addition, applicants must bring:

  • Completed Application Form
  • Two (2) valid forms of Government issued picture ID (National ID, Passport, Driver’s License)
  • A Deed Poll or a Statutory Declaration is required if surnames are different.\
  • A utility bill (within the last two months) with full name and service address

Please note

  • If you live with a relative / friend / renting and there is no bill in your name provide
  1.      a utility bill (within the last two months) of the address you reside at along with
  2.     a letter from the person you are living with or renting from stating that you live with them and
  3.      a copy of his or her valid ID



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