
Launch of Global Women Leadership Network St. Lucia

March 11, 2022

March 9th 2022 served as the inaugural launch of the Global Women Leadership Network. The auspicious ceremony took place in Coubaril at 3:30pm.

GWLN St Lucian chapter was founded by 3 members serving on the board of Directors at Jannou Credit Union, President Mrs. Junia Emmanuel-Belizaire, VP Mrs. Dayne Emmanuel and Secretary Ms Beverley-Ann Poyotte. The sister society aims to provide women with the opportunity and resources to make a measurable difference in the lives of each other, the credit union in addition to their communities. GWLN was established in 2009 by the world council of credit unions. With over 4500 individuals engaged from 86 countries, the society contains a diverse group of women from all walks of life, expertise, and professional standing.

The society is working towards narrowing the inequality gaps for women, growing the pipeline of leaders and engaging with colleagues to address issues that are locally, nationally and globally impacting women.

The St Lucia chapter is the fourth in the Caribbean and the first to launch for the year 2022. Guest speaker at the inauguration was Her Excellency Dame Pearlette Louisy, she encouraged the ladies in attendance to promote female leadership, confront explicit and implicit gender bias, support workplace balance, increase women’s confidence or self-esteem and confront racial injustice.

She urged the ladies to put their shoulders to the wheels and do it together. Her excellency stated that this chapter is not starting from ground zero but has a template that can be contextualized and adapted to local conditions. Her Excellency charged the ladies to lead on and lead on gently.

Vice president of the board of Directors, also founder of GWLN St. Lucia gave a synopsis of what the colors represented which was followed by a presentation of tokens to everyone in attendance.

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